Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Back At the Burg

Welp I have once again found myself alone back in good ol' Rexburg. I love the start and end of school because that means I get a little mini-vacation at my grandparent's house and get to see family (who I don't see enough of). I was lucky enough to have my dad bring me out and have my good friend Chantelle (went to China with me) come with us.

This semester I'm still living at the same apartment complex, Tuscany, but I switched rooms. I really loved my roommates from Fall/Winter last year but my very first roommate from freshmen year became available and I have wanted to live with her since my first semester. It's nice though, because I am just a tower away from my old room so I will go and visit all the time because 3/5 old roommates are there again.

It's looking to shape up to be a good semester room mate wise. I have Emily (my old roommate) who if you ask my dad he will tell you is full of giggles and happiness. Then there is Kristy and Kaylee who seem really cool and just really nice girls. There's another Jessica (I'll never escape the curse of the multiple Jessica's) who is a freshmen in her first semester. So we're helping her out. And Elizabeth makes six who is from Africa and loves to cook. She'll keep our apartment smelling nice which will either suck or be good depending on how hungry I am. I can't foresee any major problems happening other than all of us just getting to know each other better.

Today was nothing day so Chantelle and I just went to campus and got our books and looked around (I'll update you on the changes construction has brought here) and just hung out. Classes start tomorrow, I only have one from 3-5:45, Intro to Illustration, all I can say is SLEEP IN!

Next week when I've been to all of my classes I'll give a report on how they go. I'm really excited I think I have a good schedule and if I keep myself busy enough I won't get too homesick.

I loved seeing all of my family at grandma's. When I got to see everyone I realize how much I miss them being a frequent part of my life.

Cheers to the Taylor Family. ♥


Michelle said...

Ahhhh, we love you too! We're glad you came out a few days early so we could have some "bonding" time :) I'm still laughing thinking about all the laptops out, and us communicating through FB. Ha ha!

Grandma Taylor said...

So glad to have you (all three) come. Glad your apartment is making you happy. Glad you will like your classes. I am just glad, glad, glad!!! Love you