Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tape Technique

Last assignment we were told to do cool shadow with warm light. This time around he flipped it. Warm shadow with cool light. It was a challenge because my brain worked with the other way but it took a little more energy to think about it on this one. The other focus on this assignment was texture.
First we start with a warm underpainting, mostly monochromatic.
Then you take packaging tape and cover the whole thing.
Next paint on your cool lights onto the tape.
Then using your finger nails, or any object you can find you can scratch off where you want to put texture.

The ball and owl were my in class practices. I kinda went crazy on the background of the ball.

I have some fixes to do but here are the bears. I told Cody it looked like desert polar bears and he said it was probably just a statement about global warming. :)



Megan said...

That owl is looking at me like he owes me money.

The polar bears are my favorite -- I like the finished product.

Jenna said...

you are so talented jess!

Breanna said...

Wow. I love it when you post your artwork. You are so ridiculously talented!

I just thought I'd let you know that I wish we were able to see each other more often. I miss seeing my lovely cousins!

Hope Rexburg isn't freezing you solid!