Sunday, June 20, 2010

To Me Pops

For mother's day I gave my mom 23 reason why I love her (23 being the number of years she's been my mom). I thought it only appropriate to do the same for me dad. So here they are (in no order of importance):

23) You're my sports buddy. You got me into sports. You helped coached me and always made sure that you were involved in whatever team I was on at the time. You made sure you were at every game but the thing that meant the most was the after-game debriefing. You somehow always saw the same things I saw and always encouraged me to become better.

22) You gave me my Taylor button nose

21) You allowed cats (and various rodents) to accumulate in my life (despite your many arguments against them). I never got that puppy but the three kitties made up for it. Thanks for putting up with all of the spraying, barfing, rodent catching nonsense that you had to go through and thanks for being the one who cleaned it up. ps. i know you love them especially when they snuggle up when you're in your chair

20) All the many many many many many many many many many puns/jokes/jests ALL throughout my childhood. I attribute my quick witted mind to you. Although we do more eye-rolling than laughing we wouldn't love you as much if you weren't this way.

19) Papa Taylor. I love that any of my friends or people I knew from school could come over and instantly feel welcome. You instantly just tried to be buddies with them (even if they didn't get all the jokes right away). Just the fact that all of my friends loved you so much is a testament to what an awesome guy you are.

18) You picked mom :)

17) Although we never really picked up on it you always tried to instill a good work ethic in us. We curse Saturday Work days but I am glad for what you were trying to do for us. Even if you think you failed you didn't, some of it did stick.

16) You are a Taylor, which makes me a Taylor and there isn't anything I'm more proud of. I don't know why but I've always felt more connected to the Taylor heritage and it's roots. I love where I come from and am really going to be sad the day I have to give up the name (but I still will be one my heart).

15) I love that you work so much for our family. You always made sure we had everything we needed and even some wants. I truly appreciate that you provided for our family.

14) Thanks for letting me have the cliche dad that sits in his recliner and snores. I'm seriously not being sarcastic. I love that you were one of those dads.

13) BBQ. steaks, salmon, shrimp, chicken. Whatever it is, you're the best.

12) Thank you for being the priesthood leader in the home that I could look up to. I never doubted how much the gospel meant to you growing up. You always kept me on the right path, but still allowed me my agency. Thank you for being the dad that I could look up to.

11) It's cool that your middle name is just a letter... that stands for nothing but has the period after it to throw people off the scent

10) I loved driving around in the blue truck growing up and you sometimes letting me shift. This was the time you had your rad cowboy had and blue plaid coat. Just one of your classic looks (along with bronco's jersey and red/white/blue coat)

9) (No offense meant to the extended Taylors) But thank you for taking the leap of faith to bring us to Washington. I love Washington and I can't imagine living anywhere else and falling so much in love with it. If we hadn't have moved I wouldn't know the amazing people that I know.

8) I'm glad you're good at computers. I've never felt lost around technology and whenever I had any problems I had a direct line to a helper person. You've saved me from a lot of panic/stress/clueless-ness that could've been a part of my life

7) Thanks for telling me my hair/outfit looks pretty on days that it did

6) I love that I had another person in the family that understood the importance of punctuality like I did. I would've gone crazy had I not had someone to sympathize with me

5) I loved take your daughter to work days!! And sorry for never knowing what you did more than "he works with computers"

4) Your willingness to sacrifice for this family, whether it be as small as being the last to serve himself up at dinner to make sure we all got enough to eat to having to put up with idiots everyday at work. You put us first and that means everything.

3) Thanks for all of the daddy-daughter dates over the years. I always loved when we'd go see movies together. Taking time just for me meant a lot.

2) You always supported me in anything I did. I've never been anything but 'awesome' to you. You always gave me praise when earned, but also knew how to push me to become better when I was less than the potential you saw in me. But I still never could fail in your eyes.

1) I am most like you. We get each other. We understand situations the same. There is no doubt that I am your daughter. I am my father's daughter. Little tendencies or opinions I have about things you feel the same way. We can totally identify with each other and understand each others frustrations. I can go to you with my problems and know that you'll understand.





Aaron said...

Yeah, he's pretty cool.

And you may thank THE Taylor trait is the nose. It's actually sitting in the recliner snoring.

Mitch said...


Michelle said...

That was so sweet, Jessica. I loved every sentence.

Lori said...

You hit the nail on the head of the things I knew...and shared a lot of other things I didn't know. Awesome Dad!!!

Grandma Taylor said...

Thanks Jessica for letting me into your feelings for your Dad. There are feelings of love and caring between each word. Wish I could tell my Dad my thoughts for him like your did.