Tuesday, April 7, 2009


It's here.

The end of the semester.

It's mixed feelings, but excitement is definately the dominate emotion. It seems as everything has been building up to the glorious day of Thursday when I have completed another semester. First General Conference brings an extra boost of uplifted-ness-ment (?). I love watching it at the Taylor chapel with my pal Chantelle. This session was absolutely amazing. As a couple of my teachers reiterated on Monday, there could've have been more hope and encouragement from so many amazing men of God. It's nice to know we have our Heavenly Father rooting for us.

I think Rexburg also senses that we need some extra boosts of energy because surprisingly since Saturday we have had gloriously sunny days. It's weird to walk outside and feel warmth instead of being slapped in the face by Mr. Frost. It's like everything in the air and all around us knows we're almost done and it's as if even the chirping of the birds are saying, "you're almost there, just hang on."

I have a couple classes to wrap up. English, Chinese, and art. I'll definitely put some pictures up of my art final when it's completed. But it's still bitter-sweet because this place does have a special place in my heart. I hated being done with my New Testament class. I've had the teacher for three semesters in a row, let's just say I enjoy his courses. I just really get to know my professors so well and enjoy seeing them almost everyday. And of course leaving people. I won't say I'm totally torn about leaving my room mates, but they are still good friends (just not ones that I totally appreciate living with). There's also the new friends in basketball and my Chinese classmates that I'll probably run into but won't be as tight as we were this semester.

But this is the most home-sick I've ever been and I'm definitely excited about that. I love that I get to have a pit-stop at Grandma's before headed home home. And as I hear it we might get some visits from some of the Utah Taylors?.... :)


and i miss this guy. ♥