Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tape Technique

Last assignment we were told to do cool shadow with warm light. This time around he flipped it. Warm shadow with cool light. It was a challenge because my brain worked with the other way but it took a little more energy to think about it on this one. The other focus on this assignment was texture.
First we start with a warm underpainting, mostly monochromatic.
Then you take packaging tape and cover the whole thing.
Next paint on your cool lights onto the tape.
Then using your finger nails, or any object you can find you can scratch off where you want to put texture.

The ball and owl were my in class practices. I kinda went crazy on the background of the ball.

I have some fixes to do but here are the bears. I told Cody it looked like desert polar bears and he said it was probably just a statement about global warming. :)


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

supply for the demand

Here's my two latest pieces I've done. They are both from my media experiment class.

This first one was a photo transfer technique. You take a photo or a line drawing and print it out on a toner printer. To transfer it you put it face down on literally any surface then take a blender marker and color over the picture. Then take a burnisher or anything else you can find to rub it onto the surface, transferring the picture onto it. After we had our picture we painted over it in acrylic. I kept mine really thin washes but you can go thicker to where you can't see the lines anymore if you so desire.

This was our first assignment that was a color assignment. We're all the way in acrylics now, where as before you could choose to do oil over your acrylics if you wanted. Our assignment was warm light, cool shadow and really exaggerate it. My professor saw this picture I had and told me it would be perfect for the next assignment (this assignment).

Our newest assignment we just got today is warm shadow, cool light and I'll be putting up pictures of that soon.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Oil Lift Out

These two pieces are the newest technique we've learned called oil lift out. You start with a wash all over your surface with a mixture of oil and turpentine (which actually breaks down the paint). You then go back and lift out what you don't want dark. You can go back over it afterward with a wash of a different color or add more opaque paint to it to build detail.

This tree picture was my practice that I did in class. It shows how good of silhouettes you can do with this technique but if I wanted it to be a really good piece I would go back and add things because it's too simple in itself. We'll see what I do with it.

This buddha painting is actually taken from a picture I took in China when we were in Hong Kong and visited the Big Buddha statue. I did a dark blue wash over all of it and then I went back and added the purple background color. The neat thing you can do with this technique is what you can see in the sky. If you drip turpentine on the paint it breaks it up and does this little neat thing. You can also paint some on, tilt the board and then you get a cool dripping affect, or crackling affect.

so... ta da!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Taco Bus

What is this?..... Why it is the Taco Bus. When my dad dropped me off here at the beginning of the semester we drove past a silver bus. I looked at it and was like hmm... looks like a taco stand. It wasn't until I saw a gleaming "open" sign in the front that told me that it was actually legit.
My roommates with me agreed that we needed to check out this "taco bus." Everybody we mentioned it to knew exactly what we were talking about and apparently it was AMAZING so we had to go see for ourselves. And you know what? It's pretty darn fantastic.

The first time we went we were kind of nervous... I mean you never know about these kind of things. It was empty but as we were waiting for our food four other cars pulled up. Then today when we went two more cars full of people showed up. Apparently all the teachers and tons of students love it.

inside the taco bus.
They actually put benches and tables up so you can eat inside

Story behind the story, turns out that this couple (mexican) drove this bus down here after the husband lost his job. They then opened this taco stand and have been here ever since the beginning of this last summer.