Wednesday, October 21, 2009

supply for the demand

Here's my two latest pieces I've done. They are both from my media experiment class.

This first one was a photo transfer technique. You take a photo or a line drawing and print it out on a toner printer. To transfer it you put it face down on literally any surface then take a blender marker and color over the picture. Then take a burnisher or anything else you can find to rub it onto the surface, transferring the picture onto it. After we had our picture we painted over it in acrylic. I kept mine really thin washes but you can go thicker to where you can't see the lines anymore if you so desire.

This was our first assignment that was a color assignment. We're all the way in acrylics now, where as before you could choose to do oil over your acrylics if you wanted. Our assignment was warm light, cool shadow and really exaggerate it. My professor saw this picture I had and told me it would be perfect for the next assignment (this assignment).

Our newest assignment we just got today is warm shadow, cool light and I'll be putting up pictures of that soon.


Lori said...

Love the artwork! I wish I was as talented....oh wait, I just wish I was talented!!!

Grandma Taylor said...

Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us. It mens so much. Love you