Wednesday, July 14, 2010

we didn't start the fire

June 13, 2010

"Firefighters at the Idaho National Laboratory are battling a range fire that has burned more than 47-square-miles and prompted the evacuation of employees.

INL officials say today's blaze got to within 300 yards of a mothballed test facility near the lab's Materials and Fuels Complex. Only essential employees are being asked to report to work at the complex on Wednesday.
Winds gusting up to 55 miles per hour were pushing the fire northeast toward Mud Lake Tuesday evening.

Shortly after the fire was discovered, all personnel at the lab's Power Burst Facility and two other units were evacuated.

The INL complex stretches across an 890-square-mile federal reserve and is located about 15 miles north of Idaho Falls. "

When we walked outside of the apartment we thought we had entered into a movie where a terrible monster was about to strike us while others conversed who's sinning caused this dark cloud of smoke to cover Rexburg. Everybody went outside to take pictures of the sky. It was actually really weird looking, it really did feel like a dream world. The ground and everything was heavily tinted orange. You really just couldn't stop looking at the sky. The smoke had blown from wherever the lab is and had completely covered Rexburg like a blanket making it look like night except when you looked to one side of the city you could see complete blue skies with white fluffy clouds. The blue skies it was made it really look weird, I'm pretty sure it would've been completely dark like it really was night but the light coming from the side kept everything lit..just eerily.
Here's some cool pictures even though it really can't capture how it really looked:

this last picture is kind of crappy but you get a sense of how the sky was all the way across
this is one that my old roommate took and put on facebook

Monday, July 12, 2010

i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready

This week is my last full week of college. School isn't officially over until Wednesday of next week but I count this as my last normal week.
I'm freaking out. Partly from excitement and partly because I don't want to leave.

Why I'm excited to leave:
  • I'm exciting that I will never have to go through the 3-month rotation of new schedules.
  • I won't be told that I must be here at this time and here at the other.
  • I'm excited that I get to go back to my home. Idaho really makes you appreciate the good ol' Northwest. I think I've fallen more in love with Washington the farther and longer I've been apart from it.
  • No more having to listen to giant gross trucks and motorcycles and four-wheelers roar by my window making it impossible to hear anything for 5 seconds
  • I won't have to walk everywhere!! If I want to get somewhere I can drive!!
  • No more Rexburg winters. Give me rain and lots of it.
  • I'm excited to be around my family again. Going three straight semesters has given me a good strong case of the homesickness.
  • Mostly I am excited to meet my niece! I've been showing her off to everyone I know. This truly is torture to see other people holding her and me not being able to.
  • and I get my kitties back!!! All of my prayers were answered for my kitties to be safe while I was away and now I get to go back and snuggle with them and get all of my clothes coated in a fresh layer of cat hair.
What I'm not excited about leaving college:
  • I love school. I always have and always will. I love learning new things. I love all of the exciting classes I get to take. I love the people I meet. And I always fall in love with my teachers. They are just neat people from neat backgrounds that have done neat things and have sooo much to teach me.
  • I love BYU-Idaho. I fell in love the first fall semester I was up here. It's always hard leaving home for a new semester but I wouldn't do it if I didn't absolutely love this place. I really can't explain why I'm so attached to this place, mostly the feelings are too personal for words.
  • No more taco bus, Fong's Chinese, teriyaki trailer or cheap sodas at Horkley's
  • I'm not excited about leaving all of the amazing people I've met and made relationships with up here. There's no more 'next semester' to see them and hang out with them. For the most part I won't see any of these people ever again in my life. It's kind of heart-breaking. It's like graduating from high school and saying goodbye to all of your friends but ten times worse.
  • I kind of like living in my own isolated environment. The words independent and adult comes to mind. No offense family, but I get to go where I want, when I want on my schedule (for the most part). I've figured out how to thrive in my own little world and I think it might take a bit of effort in transitioning out of it. There's no hiding behind family out here. You are who you make yourself and I think I've done quite well.
  • No more gorgeous temple able to be spotted from practically anywhere you go.
  • I have to start an 'adult' life. I don't want to leave my buffer between true adulthood and adolescence. College makes for a nice little limbo of just hanging out and having a good time (plus homework of course)
  • Mostly I think I'm just going to miss people. Their and my life will keep on going but no longer near each other. No more inside jokes with roommates or crazy stories about what happened on a date last night. No more small day to day occurrences that aren't dramatic enough to be posted on a status. Sometimes being facebook friends just isn't enough (I learned that after graduation high school).

Worst part of it all? cleaning and packing.