Friday, July 3, 2009

June 25th… The One Year Anniversary

One year ago I was just barely re-adjusting myself to life in America again…and life with a new boy Everything’s just as perfect as it was a year ago..but it doesn’t feel like a whole year went by, as it often happens forever’s just not enough with Cody.
So for our anniversary, knowing me to the be the animal girl I am
We went to the zoo.

the rarest of all, the "cody"-ak bear, jessica donating a dollar via vulture and baby elephant

we have this place in our zoo where you can go into a little area of larikeet birds and buy apple juice nectar and feed it to them. for some reason everytime i've gone in i can just summon birds at will. this is me with the only two red ones that everybody else was trying to get. and yes the one on my right shoulder was licking my face, not biting, licking.

We ended the day with a lovely dinner at McCormick and Schmicks, a very nice seafood restaurant, down my the marina on the waterfront in Portland.


Jenna said...

i love the zoo and i love dates - and anniversaries are always special - how perfect!

Grandma Taylor said...

You are lookin goooood. Thanks for the update. With Love

cjt1959 said...

Breanna was just saying she wanted to go to the zoo. Remember when we would take you guys when you were little?? Wow, time has flown, but we still love zoos...and yummy food too!