For FHE last night my dad invited our family to go to a city council meeting for an issue he had been fighting for for a long long time. He can give you all the details because he lived it but the short version is the high school wants an electronic reader board but our city has a restriction on having electronic reader boards in on main street.
It was probably one of the greatest FHE's I can remember. Even through the boring parts it was still neat to see how a city is run and the people involved. My former track coach who was mayor twice before is on the city council and also a good friend from our ward is also on the council. Highlights of the boring segment of the night came from the time allotted for anybody to stand up (they are limited to 5 minutes) and pretty much can just present/say anything. These were made highly more entertaining with frequent texts from Connor that forced us to suppress cracking up in front of the city council. First was garage sale sign conspiracy lady. She had had garage sale signs of hers taken down and she pretty much just wanted to know who the culprit was. Lady that was sad that a dog (named Bo) on her route to work was tied up on a short chain all the time and didn't have freedom to run around and wanted him freed. Clark County says the rope has to be 5 feet but BG's says 3 so she wanted that fixed. (Connor's best text: Let's Free Bo! Po Bo Chained No Mo!). This was followed up by some other guy who says his garage sale signs were being taken also. At this point I very much felt like I was in a city hall town meeting in the Gilmore Girls... just a little more official feeling.
After this part was over the first item on the next part of the agenda was the reader board (and you have no idea how grateful I was that it was the first to come up for discussion). Pretty much my dad gave an amazing speech. He was clear, concise, no feeling of rambling, points reiterated, even made everyone laugh a couple times (which he really can't help not to do) really just great. Some sign guy came up and just fed some information like how long it takes to read letters of a certain size i don't really know cause me and Connor couldn't hear him over his loud Santa beard. The high school's principle also went up and gave a good argument. And then hey I had a little something to say and my dad used me as a last point that he wanted to make so I got up and spoke for probably a good 20 seconds, but that was enough to make my hands shaky until the end of the meeting. Then the council discussed it at length. Apparently the by the last meeting it seemed like it was split 3 yes's and 3 no's (but there's 7 including the mayor). Then the actual vote.... which was very intense, I kind of felt like I was on a game show or something..... and
IT PASSED!!! all 7 were yes's. The people cheered, Connor and mom let out a couple of woot's but the best part was the big ol grin on my dad's face. After all his hard work and effort (going to a ton of meetings) it was so good to see it payed off. As a family we felt nothing but proud to have him as our dad/husband. It was just neat.
We celebrated with a delicious meal at Burgerville w/ some turkey clubs, blackberry lemonades and some pepper bacon cheeseburgers.
This is now remembered in my book as one FHE to remember.