Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Merry Holidays

Happy Christmas all and to all a good day!

It's me Jessica here reporting from Battle Ground, Washington. As of late I have been busy with working and school and soaking in all the family time around the Holidays that I've missed for the past four years of my life.

Work is good. I'm getting a lot of reading done. It's also been a great excuse to just sit down and get my homework done. Some might think it's the most boring job in the world but you know I quite love it. Yes, it may get slow with no one walking in for a couple of hours (mostly when it is down pouring outside) but it gives me some me time. And I never had time for a job at school (or a car for that matter) so I love feeling responsible and finally making some money of my own. I loved this Christmas that I could use my hard-earned money to spend on my family.

As for a school update I'm sure my dad has kept people posted but just in case you didn't know here's the deal on my graduating. Everything was all set up for me to graduate actually this weekend. But at the beginning of my semester I found out that my science class I was taking online was actually a nursing major anatomy class. Short story I was as close to a melt-down as possible and we sorted it out that I would drop the class and just take a couple next semester. (I needed 4 credits, but am now signed up for two 2 credit classes). But I was still going to walk in December, just not officially graduate until April. Well as time got closer, something about it just didn't feel right. There was the weather problem that we were trying to figure out, that if it snowed or the roads were icy we wouldn't be able to get down there and I would miss out. I talked to my friend who was in a predicament like my own and she said she had just moved her date to April. Well I thought about it and the more I thought about it the more right it felt.

So.............. I told my parents I was going to switch the date and boy you should've seen the look of relief on my mom's face. Usually our semester gets over with near the 13th or 14th but our semesters have been getting out later. It just felt like my graduation was getting crammed into the middle of all the holiday chaos and it was causing more stress than happiness. And now that it will be in April it will be more of a joyous occasion and Megan and Rusty have even mentioned coming out.
So there you go, I will be officially graduated in April.

Also, I am officially 22. Thanks to my mom and some visitors my birthday wasn't as ho-hum as I was anticipating. I think more of celebrating me turning a year older it's more seeing how much I am loved. We actually talked about it and I hadn't been home for a birthday since my senior year of high school. So it was pretty great that I got to be around family for it.

Happy holidays! I'm going to try and get more regular at blogging so wish me luck.
Oh and Utah, would you please send us some snow? This monsoon is getting old.


Michelle said...

Thanks for this update on Jessica's life! I knew you moved your graduation date- but did not know the details. I'm glad it ended up feeling right. Keep the updates comin!!

Jenna said...

Yes, thanks for the update. Glad everything will workout for you and the fam. What are your plans after you graduate? Do you have something to use your degree?

Happy Late birthday. I did think of you! Love those birthdays!