Thursday, December 27, 2007

married to the sea

i found this. and it made me smile
ax me bout ebonics. haha

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Minus me not being home, this was prolly one of the best birthday's i've had in a long time.
erin and chelsea told me they had a surprise for me on tuesday night at 5:45. so i was like..okay.. i wonder what it is. I had already told them and other people we were just going to have cake and ice-cream at our place. they said it was only us three. we have an inside joke, chelsea thinks there's some place called taco-johns but we all think its ridiculous and so thought maybe they had found one and were taking me there.
so they come over i have to put on 1. a ridiculous fuscia happy birthday crown 2. a bright pink blindfold and 3. sunglasses over the blindfold.
so we're driving around for a while and i'm just like.. okay.. where are we going. we get to the place so chelsea has me put in her ipod and plug my nose? (i know wierd).
so they lead me all zigzag through the parking lot, we almost die on a patch of ice and then we get into the place and i take off my blindfold and hey. we're at craigos. and the whole gang is there.
it was perfect.
i had my pizza buffet, my honey butter, the pitcher of DP and the gang (chelsea, erin, melissa, joey, dan and tyler). it was probably one of our best times at craigos, thanks to dan's wit and joey and chelsea's never ending ridiculousness. what more could i ask for.
so pretty much i got my perfect ending to the semester.
the next day (my actual bday) dumb chelsea, erin and joey had all 250 kids in american heritage sing me happy birthday. (i wasnt embarrassed at all)
emily told me happy birthday prolly around 100 times
then i had mom's "party in a box, just add friends" kit and the cake and ice-cream that got delivered. so around 7-ish people came over. it was just a good birthday.
what can i say. i'm blessed.

now i have one final left (math, which i'm predicting is going to kick my butt)
i got a 92 on my american heritage test. i dont think i did that well on my psych test. i'm sad my book of mormon class is over. if i can i'm going to try and get bro. wightman again, cause he is AMAZING. and i just have my family class tomorrow which we turned in everything we're just going to have one last hoo-rah. and then the math final at 3:15 then I. AM. DONE. jessica makes her second (and even more triumphant) return to battle ground where i get to soak up as much of america as i can before i depart to the land of chopsticks and real hot dogs. (ewhewhewww)

the taylor sisters reunite!! FM cant break us down.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

this is me venting.

i woke up at 7:45 to wait for dumb RA's and HR.
so last night i went out to the living room i moved one of the chairs to use for my feet and when i moved it theres a bunch of crap under the chair, like food, crumbs, just random garbage. so clearly emily didnt even vacuum underneath everything. she just vacuumed the reglar stuff. so frustrating. i dont think she had any idea what white glove meant, or what real cleaning is.
okay so we wake up and we just kind of finish a couple of things (emily vacuums the WHOLE room and dusts of the heater that she didnt before.)
so we're waiting for like 15 minutes and we're like um.. where are they going to start? cause if they start at the bottom and then make their rounds they're not coming for hours and hours. dumb dumb dumb. so i go back to bed and at 11:30 our light gets turned on and one of the RA's turns on the light, looks at our makeup pull out shelf and then opens the window and looks on the sill. then i hear then talking out in the living room.
so me and emily are waiting for them to leave to go out there.
well melissa comes into our room and looks at the same stuff and we're like "what score did we get"
we didnt get a score. we got a freaking redo.
so i'm pissed cause i'm like what the heck. so i ask what got marked down.
funny thing, and by funny i mean i'm going to punch my room mates in the face. so we get a sheet of each area of the house and it says what we need to redo.
well in our room it said the makeup shelves were dirty and in melissa and tawni's room that the bed wasnt dusted.
in the kitchen it said the oven drawer needs to be cleaned, THE FREAKING MICROWAVE IS DIRTY, and the COUNTERs!!! and the top of the fridge. in the living room it said there was still hair and stuff on the couches so they needed to be vacuumed again. and what? on bathroom? what'd it say? oh yea it said "good job, just make sure you get the soap scum out of the tub and clean the toilet really deep, you may have to use the pumice" okay. the gross stuff in the tub is stained into the rubber. i tried everything like 5 times if i wanted to get it out i'd have to carve out the rubber. and the toilet? i even had melissa come and check. it was pure white. and i did use the freaking pumice stone. freaking dumb stupid people.
soo. we're like well lets ask amy to come back up here and see what she meant by all these so we know what to clean slash can debate on some of the issues. so i take the list and go around to everything it said.
my bathroom is as good as its getting unless we get professional help.
but, heres the frustrating part, i look at the microwave and tawni's like oh well i see what they mean, and i ask melissa about the counters and she's like well i can see a spot where i missed and the fridge there was black marks on the back wall that she did not even clean. and i go into melissa's room to see where the "dust" was and i look and she totally missed a bar of the bed that was covered in dust. and she's like "ugh. well its by the window! how was i supposed to clean it" i wanted to slap her and say, WHITE GLOVE MEANS EVERY PART. move your freaking bed.
and then i go into our room and pull out the makeup drawers, mine is cleaned, cause hey what'd you know. i cleaned it.
but emily's is covered in dust and hair and junk. so i go out and i'm like "hey em, did you really clean your makeup shelf?" and she said yea with "all sorts of cleaners" and i'm like well there's dust and hair all over it. she says "well its a lot better than it used to be"

do i have freaking retarded room mates? yes.
so they didnt even double check everything slash emily's too pampered to even know what real cleaning is. and she was complaining so much last night asking if she really had to do some of the things the list said, and i was like. um. YES. thats why they're on the list.
so we were all outraged at first going to go battle the score. but now i'm just pissed at my room mates who clearly are incapable of anything. so now even though my bathroom was fine, i'll have to super clean it again cause we'll use it this week.
so now they're going to check these things at check out.
i'm pissed. and i woke up at 2 and i have homework and i still dont feel good.
worst start to a day EVER.

but yea.. today = library and homework.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

taming the shrew

melissa, tawni and me went to taming the shrew tonite.
it was really good. i really really enjoyed it.
there was a main guy character that i really enjoyed. he had a certain johnny depp-esque about him that i really enjoyed. though the main girl was a bit over-dramatic at time and had this really disgusting angry look on her face for the first bit.
but over all it was fantastic.
except afterwards i turn to melissa and say, "so.. the moral of the story would be... wife's submission to their husband?.."
ha first byu-i teaches us to marry
and now i know i just need to find a husband and submit to his every will and whim. lol

oh man.

still tons of work.
still stressing out.
but coping, how? i have no idea.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

oh-a my gosh-a

its december already. you've got to be joking me.
and i only have 2 weeks left. ah...?
highlights this week, lets see i did work, work and more work??
yea it was pretty sick.
but i tried to fit in the fun in between. we went over to joey's a couple times and oh yea got a ton of his music. yes... so eisley? yea pretty much can't get enough of them. my favorite is golly sandra and trolley wood. they are just amazing and i have the dan in real life soundtrack which is done by sondre lerche (sawn-dra ler-kay) and they are sooo good.
in other news erin told us that she can't cry in movies. she doesnt know why she just doesnt. so our mission yesterday? make erin cry. ha. aren't we awesome friends lol. so we went to the movie store and got a bunch of tear jerkers. we got patch adams, flight 93, pay it forward and the secret weapon, charly. ha.
we watched charly first because if she didnt cry in charly then there was no hope whatesoever. and.... it was a success. we had her bawling along with the rest of us. every single time i watch that movie i just think maybe, just maybe one of these times she'll live. we turned on the lights afterwards and all of us were sobbing and we're like oh gosh our eyes are going to be puffy tomorrow at church. like somebody will come up to us and say, "oh my gosh are you guys okay? who died?" "CHARLY!"
so erin's a girl and human afterall thanks to us.
now its just surviving the last two weeks. ah..