Sunday, December 2, 2007

oh-a my gosh-a

its december already. you've got to be joking me.
and i only have 2 weeks left. ah...?
highlights this week, lets see i did work, work and more work??
yea it was pretty sick.
but i tried to fit in the fun in between. we went over to joey's a couple times and oh yea got a ton of his music. yes... so eisley? yea pretty much can't get enough of them. my favorite is golly sandra and trolley wood. they are just amazing and i have the dan in real life soundtrack which is done by sondre lerche (sawn-dra ler-kay) and they are sooo good.
in other news erin told us that she can't cry in movies. she doesnt know why she just doesnt. so our mission yesterday? make erin cry. ha. aren't we awesome friends lol. so we went to the movie store and got a bunch of tear jerkers. we got patch adams, flight 93, pay it forward and the secret weapon, charly. ha.
we watched charly first because if she didnt cry in charly then there was no hope whatesoever. and.... it was a success. we had her bawling along with the rest of us. every single time i watch that movie i just think maybe, just maybe one of these times she'll live. we turned on the lights afterwards and all of us were sobbing and we're like oh gosh our eyes are going to be puffy tomorrow at church. like somebody will come up to us and say, "oh my gosh are you guys okay? who died?" "CHARLY!"
so erin's a girl and human afterall thanks to us.
now its just surviving the last two weeks. ah..

1 comment:

Megan said...

me and my room mates watched charly and bawled too. its just one of those movies.

youll get through it and then you can come back home and give me music! wooo.

i love eisley! i had listened to them a little and really liked it.

ahhh i need to see dan in real life. i really want to.