Tuesday, May 27, 2008

is it stormy today?

Every day for class we start off with doing opening. opening includes doing the calander (figuring out what day it is and what not), singing songs, and doing the weather. we have weather sticks, a cloud (is it cloudy today?), raindrop (is it rainy today?), sun (is it sunny today?), snowflakes (is it snowy today?), a cloud with wind (is it windy today?), and dark cloud with a lightening bolt (is it stormy today?). We have used all of the sticks except snowy and stormy.
Welp, we don't have to worry about them not understanding the concept of is it stormy today.
for the past 2 weeks we have had the CRAZIEST weather. its been ridiculous. it will be sunny then in the matter of minutes it will go to the darkest clouds and pouring rain, accompanied by the loudest thunder and lightening everywhere. we find it appropriate that the lightening comes to what else, but the lighting town ;)
But seriously its crazy. we'll have the biggest storm that turns Guzhen into a puddle because of all the rain and then an hour or two later it'll be sunny and hot again. we had at least 4 of these over the weekend. and we're like why cant we have these with the kids! then we could talk about it. well we got what we wished for today was the second time its happened in class. and they're so cute! it'll start raining and they look out and say "Teacher! it is rainy today!" and then it thunders and the kids scream and get scared, but then just start laughing. so we'll play-hide under the table and they'll run over and hold onto me.
So yeah we had a huge thunder storm today during class, with buckets of rain but as i am typing this i am looking out over a very sunny and hot guzhen. and lucky us, even when its rainy and stormy we still are hot and sweating due to the ridiculous amounts of humidity! thank goodness for a/c.

oh china weather.

aaaand some pictures for your enjoyment

ultraman (leo), me and karen

Jae's Class: Leo, Karen and Jodi (Andrew was gone that day)

my class (top: blake, stella and apple;
bottom: yaya (little bugger wouldnt smile), and katie)

me and my andrew ♥

ultraman! (Leo and Apple)

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