Thursday, October 25, 2007

wait until dark for the haunted mill

last nite chelsea, erin, melissa and me all went to the haunted mill. it was student nite so it was only $5 dollars. this place was freaking sweet. its an old mill that they turned into haunted house and it. is. legit. there's tunnels you have to crawl through and a huge bridge with a gushing river that you cross over twice. it was so funny cause we were going to go in pairs but chelsea just had a death grip on my from behind and we just went in a line. don't ask me how i ended up in the front. (not by choice i can tell you that). but the creepers came from everywhere, even from above! and they would follow us and scare us twice. we screamed like little girls all the way through. so pretty much we loved it. and it was a full moon. swweeet.

then tonite melissa, tawni and me all went to go see Wait Until Dark. suuuch a good play. i teared up at the end. i'm such a girl... but the acting was suberb and it was cool because part of the time it was pitch black or only a darkroom light was used. we're going to rent the movie with audrey hepburn in it to compare.

so melissa emily and me all worked out yesterday and we went to abs that rocks (thank you, now it hurts to laugh) and i had this girl as a partner and we were introducing ourselves and she asked where i was from, and i said battle ground washington. and she says "do you know a megan taylor?" and i'm like.. um "YA! she's my sister."

i was seeing how long it took for somebody who knew you to recognize me, or think that we're related. her name was amelia and she said she was in a class of yours and on your soccer team.

so that was neat.

in other news.. um.. oh! funny story so this picture . amy gave me with another one and its in a frame on my desk. before i left megan saw it and said only i could look tan in a black and white picture. ha. so chelsea saw it and said, who's that girl? and i said me. and she like "whoa! you're way tan"
then tawni the other day looked at it and said that girl is really dark. and i said it was me. and she said "yea right before i notice i was about to say who's that black girl?"
i miss my tan.

1 comment:

Megan said...

i love the haunted mill! its something i really miss about halloween in rexy.

so jenna tingey and a boy she went with (nathan) went there with a group of people. well, in part of it, a guy pushed his face up against this big spandex cloth so looks like the imprint of his face is coming at you. well, it took nathan really off guard, and he freakin punched it! hahaha!

when jenna black and i went, some guy scared her from behind and then was like, 'you look familar... i think we're in the same math class.' lol :)

yeah i totally remember amelia. she was on my soccer team and in my teachings of the living prophets class. she was a nice girl.

i miss my tan too....