Friday, October 19, 2007

Idaho Falls, the fall of idaho?

a small group of 12 from our ward went to idaho falls to do baptisms for the dead. way way different experience from the portland temple. it made me miss it. and it made me appreciate how beautiful the portland temple really is. the marble is one of the best features.

i mean don't get me wrong the idaho falls temple is pretty too but in a more simplified way. and the set up and baptismal font is soooo different. it threw me off so much. but it was very intrigueing.

i mostly did names from 1850's. alot from enland and then jumped to massachusetts but i had one girl from paris which was way neat.

there was an awkward moment because a guy named mike was doing the baptizing and he's about half a foot shorter than me, so you can imagine my panic of maybe him not being able to pull me back up. but it was actually fine. it all worked out. i just thought, man this could be awkward.

and turns out our bishop own a restuarant. its one of those homey country kind. so we went there for cheesecake. its was really good. and fun. good time over all

then we went to joey's place to watch the office. and everytime his room mate tyler makes this awesome sausage dip. oh man is it good. and joey has this room mate dan. oh my heck is he funny. totally what i would think of as this tough hick kid. he's way skinny though. and he does this thing where he has this look like he's about to punch joey in the face but then just cracks up. he's hillarious. and turns out a soccer player. all of joey's roommates are on a team. we went and watched them last nite. and dan and tyler are actually really good.

temple trip, sausage dip, office. what more could a girl ask for on a thursday nite.

1 comment:

Megan said...

the idea of sasuage dips sounds a little repulsing, but ill take your word for it.

yeah i totally know what you mean about the idaho falls temple. WAY different.

whats the restaurant called?