so yea, i will thoroughly enjoy tuesdays and thursdays.
psychology 111:
seems like its going to be a good class. not a real awesome teacher but not half bad. i'll enjoy him and i think he'll try to make it exciting. but again there were about 100 kids in the class. what's the deal? i thought a good majority of my classes were going to be smaller but now its only a couple. but i dont mind i guess its more people i get to meet, but not on such an intimate level than if i had smaller classes. but i'm really excited to take this class just because i've always wanted to know about this kind of stuff. plus.. cute boy from my family class is in there and he sat in my row today and we talked again. he's totally one of those outgoing people. like he'd make a really good asb kid if you know what i mean. so figured out he will be my token crush kid. his name shall be asb (pronounced ahz-buh). because nicknaming people is way more fun than learning their real names.
i figured out i can't get too attached to boys or like them too much because a. they will never notice me b. they will have a gf or c. they get married
so i will just have fun crushes. :)
more like a hobby than an honest pursuit.
is going to be an AMAZING class. i have brother wightman. today all we talked about is what we are going to take away from this class. and if you're not into it you should probably switch classes. its going to be an intense class and i am so pumped for it. i've always wanted a class like this. seminary is retarded. you can't learn because nobody wants to be there. but this class will be good i just know it. and he's such an energetic guy and his voice is so easy to listen to and he puts so much emotion in what he says.
ugh. the only bad part was i sat next to a cow today. you think i'm being mean but no it was awful. so the class is getting pretty full and both seats are open next to me, which is how i like it because i get semi-claustrophobic. and this fat girl walks in and i say to myself "just watch, she's going to sit right next to me" and lo and behold she sits next to me. and it wasn't even bad until she put her feet up on the chair in front of her so she was taking up some of my leg room. and that peeved me a little. but it wasn't until she started chomping on her gum, no joke, just like a cow. ugh.
but other than overcoming that distraction i really liked today.
and its so early but it feels so late. so now i'm trying to avoid homework.
which geeze so i had to switch into another math and instead of a textbook i bought this online thing where i do all of my assignments and quizzes.
like i work it out on paper but submit the answers online.
wierd huh?
and now i'm procrastinating reading the magna carta and some other gay reading for american heritage.. lame.
and so we went to the welcome back dance. which was really fun. it was emily (my room mate), me and the normal room mate from the other room. who turns out is really cool. we asked if tawni wanted to come and she just said "she doesn't go to dances". and i just wanted to say "ya i could've probably guessed that". can you say an tye so shull. but we went and it was blast except there were some really violent dancers that kept ending up next to us. and it was sad there was a punkish girl, real emo and she wore these low low rise jeans and kind of a belly shirt and she was with a bunch of emo guys in REALLY tight pants, who kind of seemed gay, but whatever. so yea i looked at her at the end of the night and she had a bunch of ones tucked in her pants. and i just wanted to be like why. why here. whatever. but yea so slow songs only cute roomie emily got asked to dance and now she's about to go out on a date with one of them. and i'm just like o emily you are so cute it makes me sick.
oh and in my american heritage class i sat next to this oober nerdy guy. like really kind of gross nerdy and i saw him at the dance and i think he saw me and tried to stay in the same vacinity as me so the whole night i had to pretend i didn't see him and avoid him.
ha ha. i shall name him greasy. cause he is. ha ha. o awkwardness..
here's the before pictures (melissa, jessica, emily)
welp that's about it for me.
o so i found a good quote that's my washington/home motto quote
eh hem...
"anyone who thinks sunshine is happiness, has never danced in the rain."
pretty good huh?
brother wightman is AWESOME to say the least. definately a good bom teacher, you can get some semi-false doctrine teachers that fill your head with... well... false doctrine.
you looked cute! your room mates look really nice. and you think it sucks to have one crazy room mate? how bout TWO? that band together to form one SUPER HUMAN crazy room mate. oh can i add ridiculously messy? so count your blessings... because mine werent social until i brought new people into our apartment and it was like i had brought poor civilians into a cave of... weirdos. i could almost hear my room mates thinking "fresh meat" and then they would coversation maul my guests into never coming again. good times!
don't worry too much about boys. seriously. that's what i did, and its just not worth it. it's makes everything dramatic and frustrating. be social but don't try and be "dateable." talk to guys to find friends, not dates. BELIEVE ME. my first semester was like Laguna BYU-Idaho beach. they could have made a TV show out of jenna and mine's boy drama... i could have been famous..but instead i'm at home waiting for rusty to get out of class at 9:15.
did i mention im lonely? lol... hence the huge comment.
but seriously... if you find the perfect boy than you'd have to marry him and then A-how would you go and be sister ching chong and B- you don't want to be married, are you crazy? so just have fun, go with the flow and don't get desprit. thats when you date boys that are pathelogical liars! (ahem, i speak from experience)
oh... and get on that homework, missy.
ps while writing that comment... i seriously couldnt think how to spell desperate. i think all this free time of watching tv and making crossword puzzles where the clues are me (it's in the making) is making my brain melt into my skull. do you think it would be pathetic to send barb flowers with a card that says HIRE MEGAN before she loses her sanity?
pps i've got something good in the making that i'm going to send you. :)
i don't know why i bother to read this. you just write down the same stuff that we talk about on aim. kind of. i'm still going to read it anyways because there is nothing better to do at 4 in the morning.
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