Wednesday, September 19, 2007

just going to the gym just to work on my fitness

so melissa and me have been working out every night for the past few days. and we've made a committment to work out every night, unless we have plans already.
but i can't tell you how good it feels to run again.
but everytime i see the field and people practicing and the bulletins for soccer tryouts it makes my heart ache.
it really hurts that i cant be part of a team.
i need that. i've had it for so long.

now i'm just another regular kid. another face in the crowd. and it kills me.

but the endorphins feel good. and i'm getting back into shape. so i guess next year :)
i'm doing it all, soccer, ultimate frisbee, bowling, dodgeball. the whole deal.

classes are swell. but work. alot of work. but its work that i love.

i'm in love with byui.
i feel like i've learned more this past week than i did the past 18 years. seriously.
the family class is AMAZING. i can't even begin to express how blessed i feel to be in that class.

pres. clark gave his first devotional. and it was SO good.
and i forgot to tell you but i went to stadium singing too.

i just don't want to leave.
its all just too good to be true.
i want to be here everyday.

1 comment:

Megan said...

ive been working out everyday, too! we are going to be some good looking girls come thanksgiving break. i've even started to drink some of mom and dad's shakes, they arent that bad, actually.

im glad you love byui! it really is an amazing place.

stadium singing is so great. it's definately one of my most favorite things. but just wait till it gets cold! :)